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The wait calculation illustration

When to wait

We just stumbled down a rabbit hole we literally can’t stop thinking about via an enlightening article by Ethan Mollick on the concept of the Wait Calculation, originally applied to space travel. The crux? Sometimes, waiting for technology to evolve offers greater… Read More »When to wait

A robot representing chatgpt with big eyes looking up at the camera

I Asked Chat-GPT to write a 1000 word academic essay on itself with citations, the result is fascinating

What follows is what Chat-GPT wrote when I asked it to: “Write a 1000 word academic style article with references on how chatgpt could change the world” Artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies, like ChatGPT, have the… Read More »I Asked Chat-GPT to write a 1000 word academic essay on itself with citations, the result is fascinating